pas Rowmari (রৌমারী) Upazilla of Kurigram district - Village Initiatives for empowerment of Women (VIEW)

Rowmari Upazila

Roumari upazila under Rangpur district was established in 1902. Later, the activities of Roumari upazila started in 1973 under Kurigram district.
Roumari upazila has an area of ​​198 sq km. And 20.62 sq km of river area. Roumari Upazila is situated between 25 ° 28 'north latitude and 25 ° 43' north latitude, and between 89 ৫ 45 'east longitude and 89 ° 53' east longitude. .
The exact history of naming Roumari Upazila is still unknown. However, before the popular practice, a lot of rui fish could be found in this area. Rui fishing in this area is called Rui fish mara. It is from this word ‘Rui Mara’ that the name Roumari is thought to have originated.



Upazila name Rowmari (রৌমারী)
Distance from zilla 55.00 KM
Total population 182198 persons
Total families 59266
Total villages 143
Growth centers 17
Colleges 12
High schools 24
Secondary schools 8
Primary schools 115
Ebtedayee 15
Madrasah 0
Other institute 0
Education rate 438.5% | 196.1% (Women), 242.4% (Men)
Community clinics 31
Satellite clinics 1
Hospitals 1

Unions of Rowmari Upazila, Kurigram