General information
Kedar (কেদার) is a Union of Nageswari upazila in Kurigram district. It's about 13.00 KM far from Nageswari. The area of this union is about 25.23 Square KM. Total 30300 people live in there. 15150 of them are male and 14674 of them are female. There are total 17 villages, 7095 families, growth centers, and 2 markets, 3 colleges, 0 high schools, 0 lower secondary schools, 12 primary schools , 5 ebtedayee . Total education rate of this union is 77% (33.00% male and 44.00% female), 3 community clinic(s), 0 satellite clinic(s), and 1 hospital(s).
Mouzas and Wards
Health information
There is no information available.
Flood information
There is no information available.
Shelter information
There is no information available.
Agriculture information
Total amount of agricultural land: 0.00, Total arable land: 0.00, Total arable land: 0.00, One crop land: 0.00, Two crop land: 0.00 and Main crops Paddy , jute, Dal, Soybeans.
There is no information available.